How Much Do Marketing Consultants Make per Hour in the UK?

May 31, 2023 5 mins to read

Marketing consultants play a crucial role in helping businesses achieve their goals by implementing effective marketing strategies. In the competitive business landscape of the United Kingdom, understanding the compensation structure for marketing consultants is essential for both aspiring consultants and business owners seeking their services. In this article, we will delve into the factors influencing hourly rates, explore average rates in the UK, discuss additional factors affecting compensation, and provide strategies for setting competitive rates.

Defining Marketing Consultants

Marketing consultants are professionals who offer their expertise and guidance to businesses seeking to enhance their marketing efforts. They possess a diverse skill set, encompassing market research, brand development, digital marketing, advertising, and more. By tapping into their knowledge, businesses can gain a competitive edge in their respective industries.

Factors Influencing Hourly Rates

  1. Experience and Expertise

The level of experience and expertise possessed by marketing consultants significantly impacts their hourly rates. Seasoned consultants who have spent years honing their craft and have a track record of successful projects often command higher rates. Additionally, specialized knowledge and certifications in specific areas of marketing can further increase their earning potential.

  1. Geographical Location

Hourly rates for marketing consultants can vary based on geographical location within the UK. Rates tend to be higher in major cities like London, where there is a higher demand for marketing expertise and increased competition among consultants. On the other hand, rates may be relatively lower in smaller towns or regions with less marketing activity.

  1. Client Size and Industry

The size and industry of the client also play a role in determining hourly rates. Larger clients with complex marketing needs often require consultants with a deeper understanding of strategic planning and implementation, warranting higher rates. Additionally, certain industries, such as finance or technology, tend to pay higher rates for marketing consultants due to the specialized knowledge and skills required in these sectors.

Average Hourly Rates for Marketing Consultants in the UK

To gain a better understanding of the average hourly rates in the UK, we turn to industry research and reputable salary databases. According to recent surveys and studies, the following categorization can provide a general overview:

  1. Entry-level and Junior Consultants: £25-£50 per hour
    • Consultants with limited experience typically fall into this category.
    • They may be recent graduates or individuals transitioning from related fields.
  2. Mid-level Consultants: £50-£100 per hour
    • These consultants have gained some experience and are proficient in executing marketing strategies.
    • They possess a stronger skill set and may have worked on various projects across different industries.
  3. Senior-level Consultants: £100-£200+ per hour
    • Consultants at this level have a wealth of experience and a proven track record of delivering exceptional results.
    • They often possess advanced strategic planning capabilities and deep industry knowledge.

Additional Factors Affecting Compensation

  1. Freelance vs. Agency-based Consultants

Freelance consultants typically set their own rates, taking into account their experience, expertise, and market demand. They have the flexibility to negotiate rates on a project-by-project basis, and their compensation may also include additional factors such as overhead expenses, insurance, and taxes.

Agency-based consultants, on the other hand, may receive a salary or a predetermined hourly rate set by their employing agency. Agencies often have established pricing structures that consider factors such as the agency’s reputation, the collective expertise of their consultants, and the agency’s operational costs.

  1. Hourly Rates vs. Project-based Rates

Marketing consultants can choose between hourly rates or project-based rates when pricing their services. Hourly rates provide a straightforward compensation structure based on the amount of time spent on a project. Project-based rates consider the scope and complexity of the project and are often negotiated as a lump sum.

While hourly rates provide more flexibility and transparency, project-based rates offer consultants the opportunity to earn more for projects that may require a significant investment of time and resources.

Strategies for Setting Competitive Rates

To set competitive rates as a marketing consultant, it is crucial to consider the following strategies:

  1. Conduct Market Research

Research industry standards and competitive rates within your target market. Identify consultants with similar expertise and assess how your skills and experience compare. Understanding market demand and pricing trends will help you position your services effectively.

  1. Evaluate Personal Experience and Expertise

Perform a thorough self-assessment of your skills, experience, and unique selling points. Identify your areas of specialization and emphasize the value you bring to clients. Highlighting your expertise in niche areas can justify higher rates.

  1. Consider Business Overheads and Desired Income

Take into account your business expenses, including marketing costs, insurance, and taxes. Calculate your desired income while considering market conditions and the perceived value of your services. Setting realistic income goals will help ensure your rates are sustainable and competitive.


Marketing consultants in the UK play a pivotal role in driving business growth through effective marketing strategies. Understanding the factors influencing hourly rates, exploring average rates in the UK, and considering additional factors affecting compensation are essential for both consultants and business owners seeking their services. By conducting thorough research, evaluating personal expertise, and considering market dynamics, marketing consultants can set competitive rates that reflect their value and expertise. As the marketing landscape continues to evolve, staying informed and adaptable will be key to success in this dynamic field.