Culture by Design: The Vital Role of Curriculum Development in Building Strong Companies

April 21, 2023 4 mins to read

Culture by Design: The Vital Role of Curriculum Development in Building Strong Companies

Curriculum development is essential in building a strong company culture. The role of education in developing countries has been recognized, and there has been a political effort and expertise put into the development and improvement of educational systems. Many international cooperation projects have been initiated to support educational improvement in developing countries. Curriculum is defined as ‘a plan for learning,’ and curriculum development as ‘a long and cyclic process with many stakeholders and participants, in which motives and needs for changing the curriculum are formulated, ideas are specified in programs and materials, and efforts are made to realize the intended changes in practice’. To achieve effective curriculum reform that establishes changes in educational practices, methodical and context-sensitive curriculum development is essential.

In international cooperation projects, the stakeholders involved in the curriculum development process have different cultural backgrounds, and the context in which curriculum reform is intended to take place is shaped by culture in a way that is often unfamiliar to the stakeholders. Therefore, international project teams are challenged to take culture into account in their curriculum development endeavors. However, difficulties are experienced in developing strategies for responding to cultural differences in development processes aiming at curriculum reform. In response to these problems, it is important to identify critical cultural factors in curriculum development processes in international cooperation projects.

According to Diallo and Thuillier (2004), international cooperation projects are managed by units or teams at a national level or by executive agencies such as NGOs or international cooperation departments within various institutions. Various stakeholders can be identified in these projects: project coordinator, task manager, national supervisor, project team, steering committee, the beneficiaries, and the population at large. Cultural differences can exist among these stakeholders. Project partners from different countries can differ substantially in situation, interests, and incentives, which can affect the relationship between the project partners as well as local stakeholders’ willingness to change. At least one project partner is less familiar with the political, legal and regulatory, macroeconomic and social environment of the host country. Consequently, the ‘environmental scanning function,’ namely, accurate perceiving and understanding of the environment, is less accurate for this project partner.

Culture influences the educational context of the countries involved as well as the ways in which curriculum developers from different countries are used to working and behaving. Therefore, the influences of culture on curriculum development cannot be neglected. To address these challenges, curriculum development processes in international cooperation projects should account for cultural factors. Culture is a multilevel concept which can be identified at visible and invisible levels. Culture affects the organizations and stakeholders involved in educational reform. The role of culture in influencing the organizations and stakeholders involved in educational reform must be recognized.


In the rapidly evolving world of business, company culture plays a crucial role in achieving success. It is well-known that a positive and strong company culture can boost employee morale, increase productivity, and foster innovation. However, building such a culture is not an easy feat. This is where curriculum development comes in.

As highlighted in this discussion, curriculum development is a crucial aspect of building strong company cultures. With the advent of globalization, international cooperation has become more prevalent, which means that stakeholders from different cultural backgrounds are working together more than ever before.

Effective curriculum reform is therefore necessary to establish changes in educational practices, particularly in these international cooperation projects.

To achieve this, it is essential to develop a methodical and context-sensitive curriculum that takes into account cultural factors. Culture has a significant influence on the educational context of the countries involved as well as the ways in which curriculum developers from different countries are used to working and behaving. Therefore, it cannot be ignored in the curriculum development process.

By recognizing the role of culture in influencing the organizations and stakeholders involved in educational reform, we can make recommendations for culturally sensitive curriculum development in the context of international cooperation. This can help us build strong company cultures that are inclusive, innovative, and effective in achieving success.

In summary, the significance of curriculum development in building strong company cultures cannot be overstated. By acknowledging and addressing the cultural factors involved, we can create effective educational practices that nurture positive company cultures and drive growth and success in the global business landscape.